Thursday, October 01, 2009

Four Important October Updates:

  1. Date Change for "Catch Up Day!' OCTOBER 15, 2009 - See all of the details at
  2. QuickBooks 2010 Canadian Edition is coming very soon. It's the answer for so many of us who have been using the stand alone version Multi-Currency. Please don't upgrade before consulting me, or your trusted advisor, as there are many great changes, but they do require a bitof pre-planning. Ask me if you have any questions about upgrading. You can still purchase QuickBooks 2009 product and Intuit will do a full exchange for the new product as soon as it's released. I have $25 and $50 off coupons that you can use in most retail stores (like Staples, Future Shop, Office Depot and London Drugs)
  3. Mentoring for new Bookkeepers and QuickBooks ProAdvisors - I'm offering a new mentoring program for bookkeepers and ProAdvisors. Email me for more information.
  4. My new e-book will be ready next week. It's 11 pages of simple online tools that you can use to expand your local business, to an online business. This is a combination of the research I've been doing this past year for my current business, as well as some of my upcoming ventures. Watch for the announcements. It's e-book priced! and called a "goldmine" by the people who are editing it.
You've been asking about my book, "where the money flows'? I took a break mid-July from writing, and found myself back in research mode. This past week I started classes again with "Get Your Book Done" and I'm back on track. The publishing date will be held back, but the content is getting better and better. I'll update the book website soon, so you can follow my progress.

Until Next time,


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