Saturday, August 15, 2009

September 18th!! Catch Up Bookkeeping Day!

"If you're feeling like this guy, then please set aside September 18th in your calendar."

Register at

In April we hosted our first "Catch Up Bookkeeping Day!" with great results. One participant sorted through and prepared everything she needed to complete 4 years of back taxes. Another entered all of his transaction for the first quarter of the tax year. And another started using QuickBooks for the first time, sorted out her paperwork, and had it ready to hand off to a brand new assistant the following week. What could this day be like for you?

Saturday, August 01, 2009

eWomen Network Conference Ticket & Chocolate Decadence Party - $375 USD

Only until Tuesday at noon

Unfortunately I'm unable to attend the conference (a very last minute change in plans). This Dallas, TX conference is one that I look forward to all year long.